
Our Training Method to practice at Work

Salient Features of our Training and workshops

  • Our training consists of a combination of best practices and concepts from the fields of psychotherapy, mindfulness (Mediation) and Indian philosophy.
  • It is customized to your organization’s or educational institute’s needs in terms of depth, time, duration and group type and size.
  • It is conducted online, in office premises and at offsite locations in the form of retreats or intensives.
  • The practical training is supplemented by mindfulness tools provided post training that ensure long term benefits.

Our Mindfulness Training Tools

  • Webinars/In-person sessions.
  • Live guided meditation.
  • Pre-recorded videos on concepts and practices (part of longer courses).
  • Guided audio meditations.
  • Reading Materials- eBook, support content and other resources.
  • FAQs.

Our Core Programs for Companies

Program 1: Introduction to Mindfulness, Wellness & Emotional Resilience

  • Introduction of fundamental concepts of mindfulness, emotional resilience and wellness.
  • Developing awareness towards thoughts and feelings and practicing non-judgment and compassion.
  • Practices to stay aware and present during difficult situations. (1 to 2 sessions-delivered for the entire business/team).

Program 2: Self-Awareness and Mindfulness for Leadership

  • This program involves several modules created for the company leadership on self-awareness, emotional intelligence, focus, staying present during conflict, reducing reactivity and increasing compassion.
  • Modules focus on developing 3 research based meta capacities that are core to successful leadership, that are, meta-cognition, allowing, curiosity.
  • All modules are a combination of concepts, in session practice, post session regular practice and application to active work and leadership situations.

Importance of strengthening leadership:

  • Change begins at the top.
  • A resilient leader fosters growth.
  • An organization’s progress depends on leadership.
  • Global changes demand leadership styles to adapt.
  • Leaders are main change agents.
  • Mindful Leaders lead with wisdom and gentleness.

Program 3: Emotional Resilience through Mindfulness- 3 Week Program

  • Three webinars of 1 hour and 30 minutes each spread over the period of 3 weeks. Each webinar will be on a different topic related to emotional resilience, personal wellness, mental health and will have the ideas and concepts of mindfulness at its core.
  • Different guided meditation practices will be delivered following every webinar.
  • Reading material on the discussed topic and mindfulness practices for the week will be sent to every participant through email as support material.
  • Longer guided meditations will be made accessible online for participants so that they can deepen their mindfulness practice over a period of time.
  • Participants will be provided with an email id where they could direct their questions. The top 5 questions from each week will be answered in such a way that all participants of the specific webinar have access to the answers.

Program 4: Eight-Week Mindful Wellness Program (with live facilitation, group of 20-25 participants)

  • This is a practice intensive, habit forming, perspective altering program for individuals interested in real change. Program highlights include an opportunity to share personal journeys with the trainer and group, ask questions in real time and application of practice to specific personal difficulties.
  • Participants will be divided into batches of 20 to 25 for individualized attention.
  • Learning in closed groups will encourage employees to practice mindfulness as a team and learn from each other. This group also becomes an emotionally safe space for exchange of deeper feelings.
  • The 8-week program will include weekly pre-recorded videos, guided meditations and support content as well as weekly live webinar, delivered by a senior mindfulness trainer.

Program 5: Eight-Week Mindful Wellness Program (without live facilitation, minimum of 100 participants)

  • This is a completely automated course with pre-recorded sessions. Identical to the Eight Week Mindful Wellness course, this is without live facilitation and based on principles of self-learning.
  • Pre-recorded lectures, guided meditations and informal mindfulness practices will be delivered to the participants every week over the period of eight weeks.
  • Larger groups of people can go through this course simultaneously. Add on optional live webinars can be taken for the organization to help apply the learnings of the course to daily life.

Program 6: Train the Trainer

  • A champion team will be trained to create sustained well-being in the organization (The team will be identified by the organization ).
  • The team will undergo several immersive modules of self-awareness and mindfulness at work training. Initial Modules will focus on personal practice and change..
  • Final modules will focus on bringing the learnings to the organization and co-creating possible organizational interventions that will help sustain the learning from the webinars.
  • Training materials and audio recordings will be made available to the trainers to help them with basic mindfulness training.
  • There will also be a module for mindful listening for the trainers where the focus will be on creating emotionally safe spaces in the organization where feelings can be shared freely and met with no judgment.

Mental Health Training for Organization

Mental health Training for Organisations

With rising levels of uncertainty, change, stress and anxiety due to the global pandemic, mental health training for organizations has become rucial. Employees increasingly need to develop emotional resilience skills, address mental health concerns and create an emotionally safe climate in organizations.
We create mental health programs based on principles of self-awareness, non-judgment, emotional regulation and compassion to create well-being in employees. Our approach is to combine eastern principles of mindfulness and meditation with western evidence-based approaches of neuroscience, and psychotherapy. Our programs are completely adaptable and customizable to the emerging needs of your group or organization. At the moment, we deliver our programs online.

Mindfulness Training for Leaders

You will be able to cope up with all-day stress, and you will manage your self properly.

Train the Trainer

Train the trainer programs are done with a cohort of interested people in the organization. This cohort goes through extensive training in mindfulness, basic support skills, and understands a wellness framework. The trainers can then help steer the organization’s culture towards more wellness and mental health.

Train the Trainer

You will understand how to manage your workplace and the difficulties at your workplace. Dealing with major problems will get easier for you.
The trainers also are able to hold space for distressed employees and recognize when a mental health concern needs a referral.

Ongoing Support

We provide the trainers with materials like prerecorded video and audio programs that they can use to facilitate mental health, resilience, and mindfulness training in the organization. Also refresher trainings and meetings to address specific challenges and problem areas are provided.
These programs are adaptable to corporates, non-profits, and any organizational structure. We can facilitate the training in English as well as Hindi as needed.

Corporate Wellness Programs

The most effective mental health intervention is a preventive one.

While employees who are already stressed, anxious and facing burnout, need immediate help, the prevention of others from reaching there is equally if not more important. Keeping this in mind, our corporate wellness programs are designed to create a mentally healthy organizational climate by addressing different levels of mental health intervention needed by your employees.
The key to good mental health is the ability to be emotionally resilient in the face of stressful changes. At Inner Space, we recognize this, and our corporate wellness offerings are designed to build emotional resilience, experientially, through an understanding of concepts and application of practices.
Our core approach to mental health and corporate wellness is completely adaptable and customizable to the emerging needs of your group or organization. We deliver our programs online and also in an onsite/ offsite setup (Only Online During the COVID Crisis).

Building Emotional Resilience and Corporate Wellness Through Mindfulness

Resilience is a long-term goal that is achieved, when a person develops self-awareness and possesses tools to manage change and stress.
A resilient person is one who is able to face personal and professional environments, which come with their own unique de-stabilizing factors, without losing stability and bouncing back to being functional in lesser time.
Self-awareness is that most important faculty which develops resilience in our minds.

A Resilient Person Will:

  • Manage change and stress better.
  • Be more emotionally balanced.
  • Be able to handle conflict better.
  • Have higher level of overall acceptance and experience joy.
  • Be more motivated towards personal and professional growth.

Fundamentals of Mindfulness

Our Programs are based on.

Paying Attention

  • Focus on emotions and thoughts.
  • Awareness of bodily sensations.

Purposefully Being There

  • Develop a non-judgmental attitude.
  • Practice to stay with situations.


  • Developing Trust.
  • Cultivating Compassion for self and others.

Understanding the Science

  • Understand the neuroscientific basis of mindfulness.
  • Mind-body connection and neuroplasticity.
  • The neural network of attention.


Saul Goodman

Ceo & Founder

Proin iaculis purus consequat sem cure digni ssim donec porttitora entum suscipit rhoncus. Accusantium quam, ultricies eget id, aliquam eget nibh et. Maecen aliquam, risus at semper.

Sara Wilsson


Export tempor illum tamen malis malis eram quae irure esse labore quem cillum quid cillum eram malis quorum velit fore eram velit sunt aliqua noster fugiat irure amet legam anim culpa.

Jena Karlis

Store Owner

Enim nisi quem export duis labore cillum quae magna enim sint quorum nulla quem veniam duis minim tempor labore quem eram duis noster aute amet eram fore quis sint minim.

Matt Brandon


Fugiat enim eram quae cillum dolore dolor amet nulla culpa multos export minim fugiat minim velit minim dolor enim duis veniam ipsum anim magna sunt elit fore quem dolore labore illum veniam.

John Larson


Quis quorum aliqua sint quem legam fore sunt eram irure aliqua veniam tempor noster veniam enim culpa labore duis sunt culpa nulla illum cillum fugiat legam esse veniam culpa fore nisi cillum quid.